8. Taking Away Your Guns, Chinese Military Weapons on CDN Soil and The Foreign Investment Act, Nova Scotia Mass Shooting
During the COVID - 19 lock-down a mass shooting in Nova Scotia prompted Prime Minister Trudeau to ban 'Assault style' rifles.
Of course most (but not all) the news media whom Justin paid handsomely has played along without asking any questions regarding this ban.
Questions need to be asked like, weren't assault rifles already banned in Canada?
Semiautomatics with a five shot clip is as close as it gets to an assault riffle however there is a large difference between this style of weapon and a much more dangerous and already banned fully automatic assault rifle.
Canada is a vast and wild land, full of rugged and beautiful landscapes which we Canadians love to enjoy but we stay aware that these wilds are not without danger as well.
Has Justin ever had to attempt to shoot fully grown bear as it charges him and/or his friends and family?
Has he tried doing so with just a single shot to fire before he has to reload?
Will the criminals really register their guns anyway? To be clear we are not talking about those normally law abiding citizens who hide their weapons which Trudeau has now unlawfully made illegal, they are not criminals simply because the Prime Minister deems their weapons illegal. The Prime Minister is now operating outside of the 'rule of law' and the fundamentals of justice which give a democratic government its lawful authority. Our Prime Minister is acting as a dictator and these citizens are not criminals for refusing the whims of such a dictator.
What about the Chinese and the CCP? Why do we Canadians have to give up our firearms when the Chinese can have any style of of firearm and weapon they want on any Chinese owned 'interests 'in Canada according to the Foreign Investment Protection Act (FIPA)?
Why are the Chinese not only allowed arms and ammunition but 'implement's of war to protect their interests in our nation yet we as Canadian citizens cannot even own a vast majority of rifles and shotguns in order to protect ourselves, our property and our loved ones?
See Section 5 of FIPA below,
To be clear, if Trudeau gets his way soon the Canadian people will have the majority of their guns confiscated while Chinese companies and any interest they deem as essential to their security (think oil, gold, real-estate) will be able to host not only guns and ammo but tanks and helicopters according to the above agreement.
The shooting in Nova Scotia itself was suspicious for several reasons, too many to fully address at this time however we will touch on this briefly in order to continue to demonstrate the coordinated silent war on the Canadian people along with others around the world.
The shooting was used as justification for banning 'assault style' rifles yet a number of serious questions regarding the shooting remain.
An article in Mclean's magazine outlines evidence that indicates this may have been an inside job conducted with the help and/or knowledge of certain members of the RCMP.
In regards to the ban on 'assault style' rifles, governments around the world, the agencies and individuals that secretly control these governments have long used terrorism in order to promote a hidden agenda and take peoples rights away.
Operation Gladio was a war of terror perpetrated on the people of Europe by 'secret' armies that NATO had stationed in various European nations from the 1960's to the 1990's. See information on the now declassified operation Gladio below.
The deception of the public by numerous Canadian Officials along with the aid of various members and entities of the media on a wide range of matters is clear.
We are being robbed as a nation, stripped of all wealth and the ability to protect our lands, food, resources and families.
A trail of missing money, billions of dollars has been siphoned to offshore accounts through government pension funds such as BCI and various projects like the Canadian Infrastructure Bank and WE Charity. This is simply a small sample of the mass of evidence that indicates such financial fraud.
Given that the Alberta Securities Commission once gave Goldman Sachs bankers 4800 'exemptions' from Securities Law so that Goldman Sachs could offload Asset Backed Paper in the form the toxic mortgages that were a part of the 2008 financial meltdown on the unsuspecting people of Alberta, it becomes apparent that Mr. Larry Elford is right.
The ASC, supposedly there to protect the public knowingly allowed money from various Albertan government organizations to be spent on toxic mortgages.
Breaking it all down, we as a people are being robbed and events are being staged in order for a global criminal syndicate to continue to take away your rights away to the point where you will not be able to defend yourself, your family or property.
In November 2019 information was presented verbally to the British Columbia Cullen Commission on Money Laundering during its Kelowna stop that indicated serious issues with both the Securities Commission and pension fund the BCI.
For the most part the press has ignored some of the serious issues that were presented, including issues with government pension fund the BCI, BCSC and a money laundering network.
Further evidence on a massive criminal syndicate was submitted both to the Cullen Commission as well as other various Canadian Law Enforcement officials from various individuals including this blog author from November 2019 to January and February of 2020.
Some of this evidence included possible links and ties that need to be investigated between Picktons Pig Farm, The BCI (bcIMC), 9/11, and a web of financial fraud and human trafficking that spans the globe with significant ties to Vancouver.
Not long after this information was shared with various government officials, the Crown prosecution for the Pickton trial filed a motion to have evidence from the Pickton trial destroyed. This motion has for the time being been delayed due to COVID.
 | | RCMP seek to dispose of evidence in Rob... |
To set the chain of events clear, in Jan and Feb 2020 Canadian Law Enforcement officials and other various officials at both a Provincial and National level once again received information from various sources including the author of this blog on a vast criminal operation involving human trafficking, the Pickton Pig Farm, the planning of 9/11, and Money Laundering.
An application to destroy evidence from the Pickton Pig Farm investigation was filed by the government prosecutor John Ahern shortly thereafter in early March 2020.
Why would the RCMP seek to dispose of such evidence when this type of evidence is usually held for over 80 years?
Is it a coincidence that somehow former RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson was never called to the witness stand during the Missing Women's Inquiry Despite his name on over three hundred documents relating to the case/s?
His name stands out among witnesses who weren’t called by the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry.
At the time when police forces were fumbling the hunt for the person preying on women working Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside strolls, he was the noncommissioned officer in charge of the RCMP’s southwest district major-crime section.
Then a sergeant, Bob Paulson is now the RCMP commissioner, and lawyers representing the families of these women wanted him on the witness stand. But the commission chaired by former B.C. attorney general Wally Oppal refused to summon Canada’s top Mountie.
In their final submission to the commission, lawyers Cameron Ward and Neil Chantler and researcher Robin Whitehead argue that the inquiry is incomplete because witnesses like Paulson weren’t summoned.
According to their filing, Paulson was “extensively involved in the missing women’s investigations”.
“His name appears hundreds of times in the documents disclosed to the Commission,” the submission states.
It also notes that in March 2000, then-sergeant Paulson and a staff sergeant approached then–chief superintendent Gary Bass of the RCMP’s E Division in B.C. “with a proposal to create a coordinated effort to review” unsolved homicides and the cases of the missing women. This was mentioned in a report for the Oppal commission by Deputy Chief Jennifer Evans of the Peel Regional Police.
Evans noted that the staff sergeant wrote a proposal that read in part that “at least 3 (three) serial killers are believed to be operating in BC at this time”.
Source -
RCMP commissioner Bob Paulson got a free pass from missing women's inquiry, say lawyers
 | | RCMP commissioner Bob Paulson got a fre... |
The blog Gangsters Out shares a little insight from a book On the Farm which digs deep into the Pickton case.
The information suggests and corroborates numerous other eye witness accounts that more then one person was responsible for criminal ongoings at the farm and nearby Piggy Palace and that government officials and law enforcement were present.
Page 137 of the book On the Farm states: "But the truth is that almost all the people in the community knew the Palace as a wild party place with drugs and prostitutes. And everyone knew that the bikers who attended usually finished the parties at their own place across from the Pickton farm, a clubhouse that had become infamous as a booze can serving alcohol and drugs to members and friends. By the end of 1996 the neighbourhood became known in criminal circles as a biker area, one controlled by the Hells Angels."
"Off duty police officers attended the parties and so did city officials." (p 136) "He was worried they were going to get busted at the Palace... But the place was full of cops too, lots of them, all in plainclothes." (p 138) Diane Rock had vanished in October. Her boyfriend was a 34 year old longshoreman named Vince McMurchy who treated her like dirt. The book claims he said she was a piece of crap and was better off dead. (p 365) I want to follow up on the Diane Rock story. From what I hear it will blow the lid off the cover up completely.
And a little more from the same article..
The Diane Rock Story
The book On the Farm stats that "Janice Edwards talked to the police about her friend and co-worker Diane Rock, whom she had picked up, hysterical and bleeding, at a gas station in Port Coquitlam in August 2001. Dianne had described being raped repeatedly in a cellar at the Pickton farm, Edwards told them; she shared everything she could remember about their conversation. Constable Sandra Lavallee drove her to the gas station where she remembered having picked up Diane." (Page 535) This incident happened before Diane Rock went missing in October 2001.
Diane Rock was hysterical and bleeding. She claimed that she was "raped repeatedly" in a cellar at the Pickton farm before she went missing. Raped repeatedly by one person? Willie Pickton? No that is not what she said. What she really did say is paramount to the investigation.
The book On the Farm later states that "Wilie Pickton was back in court on June 30, 2003, when the preliminary hearing resumed. This time the judge listened to days of testimony from 'last seen' witnesses, people who had been identified as the last people to see a victim before she disappeared... Vince McMurchy, Diane Rock's former boyfriend, was one of these; so was her friend Janice Edwards, who picked her up after Diane had been tied up and raped by several men in a building on the Pickton farm." (Page 629)
One step closer to the truth. This time we hear that Diane Rock claimed she was repeatedly raped by several men on the Pickton farm. This clearly implicates more than one suspect but there's more. She named two groups of men that raped her. A claim that Bob Paulson didn't believe. One that he, Bill Fordy and Don Adam all covered up completely.
| | Anthony Terezakis and Piggy's PalaceI picked up a book about the Pickton Farm a blog reader recommended called On the Farm by Stevie Cameron . I mus... |
Further on former RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson who was once Sergeant in charge of the RCMP's BC's southwest district major crime section.
Paulson was sergeant in charge of the RCMP’s southwest district major-crime section from 1999 to 2001. B.C.’s southwest region includes the Lower Mainland. Paulson’s office didn’t respond to a request for comment before deadline.
The final submission by the families’ lawyers also identified 16 other witnesses who were not called by the commission.
One of these is David Pickton, who lived with his brother Robert and was “well known to police” for being associated with the Hells Angels. According to the submission, the Picktons’ properties in Port Coquitlam were “known by the police to be hives of illegal activity, including cockfighting, illicit alcohol and drug use, prostitution and petty theft”.
The document states that “despite the RCMP’s frequent attendances there, possibly as many as 49 murders were perpetrated”.
Source -
Oppal inquiry didn’t call Bob Paulson, even though his name was in the documents.
| | Bob PaulsonPaulson was born in Lachute, Quebec. He joined the Canadian Forces after high school[2] and served in the ranks ... |
Have certain members of the RCMP carried out 'targeted' killings for anyone else?
What happened to that billionaire couple, Barry and Honey Sherman?
Could the prime suspect in these murders be the PM himself? Is there more that our leaders are hiding from us?
Could this be why Prime Minister Trudeau seeks greater control to censor the internet?
Does the PM want to confiscate our rifles in order to ensure we are not able to defend ourselves from being robbed by him and this global Cabal?
What other dark secrets does Prime Minister Trudeau hide?
What happened during his time at West Point Grey Academy?
Is it easy to manipulate someone like a bureaucrat or politician if you have dirt on them involved in something like murder or a pedophile ring? Would those who control of that information not be able to use such a person to achieve their own aims, contrary to the interest of the public?
Questions remain to be answered in Section 9
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