The following is Section 1 of a 9 Section report on the state of Fraud and Racketeering in Canada and how Canadians are seeing their lives destroyed by a financial and medical fraud that has led to Orwellian measures causing untold financial, psychological and emotional damage to millions of Canadians and Billions around the world. This is why lives and businesses are being destroyed.
Everything about the Canadian Government is based on fraud.
1. Canada's COVID - 19 Death Rate is 0.000257% - Top Doc Says Half Positive Tests Are Wrong.
These days on the news and in the papers we continuously hear terms like 'the science is settled' as new rules and mandates are forced upon the public, supposedly 'for your own protection'.
Why do so many scientists and doctors disagree?
Why are you our Canadian Public Servants misleading and hiding the truth from Canadians?
Were you not aware of or are you complicit in this fraud upon the people? Have you asked any serious and critical questions of those who are pushing a narrative that involves a lock-down of society, curfews and business closures?
Why are we pushing actions that according to studies have effects that are akin to CIA torture tactics as measures to control a threat that has killed approximately 0.000257% of Canadians? Even if that amount was tripled or quadrupled it would not outweigh the damage being done to the people of this nation on a wide number of levels.
Why are we destroying small and medium sized businesses and upending peoples lives by creating and enforcing Orwellian orders against the people of British Columbia and Canada when the evidence is clear that COVID - 19, while certainly a concern is not nearly the deadly pathogen our supposed 'leaders' and various corrupted media outlets make it out to be.
In B.C the damage being done to dozens of industries and segments of business due to your willingness to participate in a fraudulent scheme is unacceptable and as with every empire yours will fall and you will be held accountable for the harm, physically, emotionally/mentally and financially that you have done to the people.
Lets look at the facts.
Below is the total death count for British Columbia for the last five years from BC Vital Statistics Agency up to July 2020, is it not strange that 2020 is actually the second lowest year for death rates in the last five years. In very year a pandemic is supposedly taken place in BC?
 | | CIA Social Isolation Torture Techniques... |
The impact this will have in terms of creating fear in children cannot be underestimated and is purposeful to fulfill a hidden agenda.
Don't believe these claims? The content laid out below will demonstrate but a fraction of the available evidence to back such claims up.
If you, our public servants are not willing to look into the ample evidence of a massive medical fraud on Canadians along with an assault on our rights then it is clear that you are a part of the problem and as your employers we Canadians have lawful reason to remove you from your offices and positions of authority.
At approximately 9000 deaths in a population of about 35,000,000 the death rate from COVID - 19 is 0.0002571428%. That adds up to a small fraction of 1% of the population of Canada. (as of Aug 22nd 2020).
According the the above statistics from a Government of Canada website, the total positive number of cases in Canada is 2.3%. But can the tests be trusted? Lets hear from one of Ontario's top medical officials in just a moment.
Why did we shut down our nation? Why were thousands of small businesses destroyed over a death rate that is a fraction of a percent? What about mental health and trauma this has caused millions of people?
Have people forgot that we risk death every day we live? Should we live in bubbles and cages to avoid death? Is this life? It is certainly not the new normal. What are the odds of dying in a car accident or getting hit by a car since March? Should we stop driving because of a risk we may die or kill someone accidentally?
Can we trust that the 2.3% of the population that supposedly contracted COVID - 19, really had COVID - 19 or are the test results skewed and unreliable?
What did Ontario's associate chief medical officer Dr. Barbara Yaffe have to say about testing for COVID -19?
Are we simply doing the same as in Australia? Are we labeling deaths COVID - 19 with out actually testing to see of the death was COVID - 19? Do both our nations have ties to the WHO and CDC?
Is there a reason that medical staff are directed to label unproven deaths COVID - 19?
Can the tests be relied on for accurate results?
If the COVID - 19 test cannot distinguish between a cold and COVID - then how reliable are the figures we are given?
How does this affect Canadians? How many Canadians actually died of COVID - 19?
Before we move on from the subject of COVID testing there is one more question we should be asking re these tests..
We have previously claimed that the 2019 Annual Report for the WHO outlines a planned pandemic 'exercise' in the fall of 2020 regarding the release of a deadly pathogen and a drive to test and vaccinate people, we will revisit this claim shortly but for now consider this as we pose the next question.
If COVID - 19 was a version of the Corona Virus which was identified and labelled in 2019 as we have been led to believe then why were millions of COVID - 19 test kits shipped to nations around the world in 2017?
See below from the WHO regarding the naming of COVID - 19.
ICTV announced “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)” as the name of the new virus on 11 February 2020. This name was chosen because the virus is genetically related to the coronavirus responsible for the SARS outbreak of 2003. While related, the two viruses are different.
WHO announced “COVID-19” as the name of this new disease on 11 February 2020, following guidelines previously developed with the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
| Naming the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the virus that causes itAn explanation of the official names for the corona virus disease (COVID-2019) and the virus that causes it. |
How could a test be properly prepared for a strain of virus that supposedly emerged in 2019?
See below re millions of COVID - 19 test kits ordered in 2017.
| Medical Test kits (382200) imports by country | 2017 |
The string of deception continues and we will continue to demonstrate a financial and medical fraud at the highest levels of government. Please note that SARS - CoV is the official designation of the virus which causes the COVID - 19 disease according to the World Health Organization, keep this in mind later as Section 4 is reviewed.
If the stats are misleading due to faulty tests and the mortality rate data indicates that COVID - 19 is not nearly as fatal as it has been made out to be then why are we locking down a nation, demanding mandatory masks and suggesting mandatory vaccinations may be possible in the future?
What do we breathe out? Is it healthy to breathe in what we exhale out? Are the masks simply to create panic, fear and division among the public?
Is there another agenda that is the real reason behind the financial destruction and erosion of our rights as humans and Canadians?
More Questions to come as always, please see Section 2 On Fraud in Canada here.
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