6. GAVI Vaccine Alliance Lobbies Trudeau Government 67 Times on Behalf of Vaccine Makers.
Turning to the highest office's in the nation lets look back at the actions of some our nations supposed leaders such as PM Trudeau and former Finance Minister Bill Morneau over the past few years for some clues as to what is really happening behind the scenes while a campaign is underway to scare the public into giving up their rights for supposed protection from a virus that kills less then a fraction of a percent of the population.
In late 2018 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a plan to give $600 million dollars to media establishments in Canada under the guise of a bail-out.
During the above speech last year Trudeau bragged (or joked depending on who you ask) about buying the media with $600 Million dollars. It was played as a joke at the time however when one considers the numerous scandals involving fraud and missing money that surround both Trudeau and former Finance Minister Morneau and how lax many of our media institutions have been in calling out the PM for what are Criminal Code Offences, the picture suddenly becomes a little more clear.
Would the media have incentive to mislead the public re COVID - 19? Do we really have free press in Canada?
Who convinced our government officials to play along with the COVID - 19 fraud and why?
Is the purpose of the GAVI vaccine alliance to promote mass vaccination programs? Do large pharmaceutical corporations control the GAVI Vaccine Alliance? Is their concern your health or your money?
5. GAVI Lobbying CDN Gov’t Since 2018

If you go onto the Lobby Canada website, you can see what lobbyists have been talking to which government officials, who they work for, when they spoke, and what the business was. This is laid out “communications reports”
| | Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada welcome page | Page d'a...Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada home page | Page d'accueil du Commissariat au lobbying du Canada |
Dates of Communications Reports
(1) 2018 March 8
(2) 2018 March 9
(3) 2018 March 9
(4) 2018 October 9
(5) 2018 October 9
(6) 2018 October 9
(7) 2018 October 10
(8) 2018 October 10
(9) 2018 October 10
(10) 2019 June 11
(11) 2019 June 11
(12) 2019 June 11
(13) 2019 June 12
(14) 2019 June 12
(15) 2019 June 12
(16) 2020 January 28
(17) 2020 January 29
(18) 2020 January 29
(19) 2020 January 29
(20) 2020 January 30
No, these aren’t duplication's. The registry indicates multiple reports on these dates.

These are just the 20 reports that are on file with the Office of the Lobbying Commissioner. It’s fair to assume that there have been many, many more talks that aren’t documented.
6. Crestview Strategy Lobbies For GAVI

Crestview Annual Return (1)
Crestview Registered office & Directors (3)
Crestview.Certificate.Of.Amalgamation (2)
Crestview Strategy effectively represents the interests of corporations, not-for-profits and industry associations to achieve results with governments around the world.
Across Canada and around the world, the rules that govern the government relations industry are changing. The new higher standard that regulates access to information and political contributions have fundamentally changed the public policy dialogue and improved how citizens, companies and associations advocate their interests to elected representatives.
No longer is a winning outcome based on ‘who you know’ or the ‘magic meeting’. It is about contributing to the policy process, presenting a case that is supported by authentic community voices, verified impact and compelling insight. And getting in front of the right decision makers and opinion leaders to make that case.
This is in the government relations page of Crestview Strategy. At least they are open about trying to influence governments and public policy.
| | CV #4: Gates Foundation Lobbied Trudeau (Using Proxies) Into Accepting V...(Bill Gates predicts no more mass gathering until vaccine developed. (See 1:30 mark in this, or original video) ... |
As demonstrated above the GAVI Vaccine Alliance has been lobbying the Canadian Government to accept its vaccine agenda for quite some time.
The circle is not complete until Prime Minister Trudeau gives money to the program. As they say when solving any mystery, follow the money..
Canada Gives $800 Million to Bill Gates Vaccine Program Following Lobbying Campaign
The joke is really on us Canadians as we are being fleeced blindly and willingly conceding our rights so we may no longer protect ourselves, loved ones or our property. Trudeau is giving one of the richest men in the world hundreds of millions to pursue his insane idea of vaccinations for everyone on the planet. Meanwhile millions of Canadians are struggling to get by after severe measures based on fraud have shutdown the economy in a way that seems to leave big business unscathed but has severe affect on medium and small businesses and their staff.
All while we are busy locking ourselves inside and arguing over masks, we are being set up to be robbed of everything.
Literally everything is being stolen from Canadians from property and land, money through pension and charity frauds frauds along with Trudeau and Morneau's Canadian Infrastructure Investment Bank scheme, and then our guns so that we cannot fight back when we find out how badly we have been robbed.
Don't believe us? Lets continue to look at the evidence.
Section 7 and further Questions about a trail of missing $ Billions left by our PM
7. A Trail of Missing Money, Trudeau and Morneau, WE Scandal, Worksafe, SNC Lavalin, Missing Infrastructure Billions - Fraud is Modus Operandi
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