See the File the BC Securities Commission does not want you see.. why has this file been hidden from public record? Scrubbed from the BC Court of Appeal records here is missing file #43449 at
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
"Open Your mouth BCSC I Have a Solid Legal Punch Going After Your Teeth!"
More from Chile, this letter is in regards to fake internet posters who have been working for Barrick and/or the BCSC in order to attack Mr. Brent Johnson and Mountainstar Gold and destroy them based on lies.
These crooks use different aliaes and are one and the same linked to Barrick and BCSC like the empty handed stack of lies that for half a decade prowled touting Barrick to the moon until it crashed due to PASCUA LAMA PONZI from 59 to 7.
Dirtbars there, belongs to that club, funny that the LIAR that spoke with BCSC and was a VIGILANTE to dump Brent Johnson, now has to eat crow by the metric ton like Q U E R another toxic dumper against MSX, a self acknowledged Fitzgerald camp boy.
So it is 2016 and there is no one left standing at BCSC, TSX, Barrick, RCMP-IMET, FBI, IROCK PDI, that has one hair against MSX.
Barrick and BCSC + TSX regulators in the other hand, are up to their eyebrows with TRAFFIC OF POLITICAL INFLUENCES to commit financial crimes.
Resulting in the criminal acts of peddling a FALSE PROSPECTUS Pascua Lama in contravention of the Criminal Code of Canada Section 400(1), BCSC, TSX, Barrick and Silver Wheaton with identified banks.
Where is the sick BCSC vigilante of the DUMP BRENT JOHNSON crusade?
The one that insisted that he and BCSC regulator were to shutdown forever MSX for Mr. Torres and me had NOTHING to do with C-1912-2001 when I actually own the Trial and Barrick is losing its underwear there.
BCSC is urged to do the right, honest and honorable thing.
1. Apologize to MSX and its shareholders.
2. Release MSX to Trade as C-1912-2001 is safely in or hands.
3. Pay back all losses accrued by investors and shareholders alike.
4. Pay back any funds MSX had to borrow to fight TSX, BCSC/Barrick exchange's crimes.
5. Have TSX apologize and pay to MSX and its shareholders what is due
6. SILVER WHEATON ought to cough serious dough to MSX so is HSBC.
There are remedial actions to put it into context, that shall reveal that it was BCSC all along the RACKET with Barrick and none of MSX news was out of context or legal reality in Chile.
The December 16, 2015 letter from BCSC of extortion to MSX to publish lies in favor of Barrick, fold and exit financial markets was devised by Barrick and BCSC + TSX to escape their collective RACKETEERED criminal charges, HAS BEEN 100% NEGATED by Chilean 14th Civil Court decisions and confirmations at hand.
Confirmed, is that Mr. Torres and me, are clubbing Barrick at the 14th Civil Court case and have intervened at Illustrious Court of Appeals and Supreme Court of Chile in the case, at this date.
BCSC has POWER and has CORRUPTED ITS PERSONNEL to believe they are GODS.
BCSC issued another letter with PREJUDICE that is 100% falsehoods v. MSX
BCSC Lawyer called me A FRAUD and so Mr. Holt and Brent Johnson, when addressing MSX securities Lawyer, They were DSPERATE to crash MSX.
Open your mouth BCSC I have a solid legal punch going after your teeth.
Give up BCSC and TSX, give up Barrick and FAB10 Internet manipulators, your game is OVER and you are caught on your way to JAIL.
This message was written by MINA PASCUA OWNER Jorge R Lopehandia under penalty of perjury, to request BCSC to own up to its financial PASCUA LAMA, INFINEX, ROYAL GOLD, SILVER WHEATON, HSBC, BARRICK crimes spree unchecked 2001-2016
As always more to come..
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