See the File the BC Securities Commission does not want you see.. why has this file been hidden from public record? Scrubbed from the BC Court of Appeal records here is missing file #43449 at
Saturday, 30 July 2016
The following is an exert from an article in the American Herald Tribune which not only sheds more light on the background on the Pascua Lama project but on how Barrick Gold and numerous Canadian officials including former Prime Ministers as well as former American president George Bush. See how the ongoing saga involving the BC Securities Commission has unraveled to expose a massive criminal element in our governments, law enforcement and judiciary.
See how George H.W. Bush and Brian Mulroney spearheaded a drive by Barrick Gold to fix the price of gold and rig the markets for decades on behalf of even bigger hidden players.
Find out how the Peter Munk is connected to the Iran-Contra scandal and the learn more on the backgrounds of Mr. Jorge Lopehandia and Brent Johnson who have worked to expose this criminal cartel.
See the man who links the Wahhabi Kingdom (Saudi Arabia) with Israel and Barrick Gold below, and how this international cartel of banksters uses its influence to wage economic warfare on the world.
"From Celebrity to Disgrace": Adnan Khashoggi in the First Years of Barrick Gold
The story of the original partnership at the roots of Barrick Gold sheds light on the spinning of connections linking the interests of Israel and Saudi Arabia. The development of this unlikely alliance between the Jewish state and the Wahhabi Kingdom forms an essential factor over recent decades in the renewal of the informal Anglo-American empire whose main point of geographic contact is Canada. An important key to understanding the deep politics of one stage in the life of the informal Anglo-American empire lies in the career of Munk’s business partner, Adnan Khashoggi.
Khashoggi’s primary CIA handler is reputed to have been Kermit Roosevelt, the grandson of US President Theodore Roosevelt. The descendant of the gregarious Teddy Roosevelt is best known for his central role as the main operative on the ground in Tehran who orchestrated the Anglo-American backed coup in 1953. This external intervention into the domestic politics of Iran resulted in the replacement of Mohammad Mossedegh, a proponent of the nationalization of Iranian oil resources, with the puppet regime of the Shah of Iran.
The deep state aspects of US-Iranian relations would explode into public notoriety again with news of the sensational substance of the Iran-Contra scandal of the late 1980s. Once Khashoggi was discovered to have been a key operative in the Reagan White House’s illegal transfer of arms from Israel to Iran with the involvement of the Toronto-based CIA-connected Jetborne corporation, it became necessary to remove Khashoggi from his front-and-centre role in Barrick enterprises.
Khashoggi’s importance in making Toronto the official headquarters of the Barrick operations was captured on film in 1984. In this clip published on the Internet, Khashoggi is shown meeting with Ontario’s Tory Premier Bill Davis and the rest of his cabinet. The purpose of this photo op was to prepare the mental environment for a public offering of Barrick Gold shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange. The top leadership of the Ontario government is caught on camera fawning all over the visitor who in that era was often described as the richest man in the world.
The Ontario government’s guest was sufficiently famous for the rock band Queen to write and record a song called “Khashoggi’s Ship.” This luxury yacht, Nabia, was used as a set for the James Bond thriller, “Never Say Never Again.” Robin Leach, host of the American TV blockbuster, Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, declared his episode on Khashoggi to be his favourite show in the entire series.
Flash forward to 1989 when Peter Munk came up with $4 million to bail out Khashoggi from a New York jail after the arms merchant had been arrested for getting caught up in the unorthodox gold transactions involving the wife of the former president and kleptocrat-in-chief of the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos. By this time Khashoggi had already been identified in the Iran-Contra scandal as a key facilitator in the transfer of Israeli arms to the Islamic government of Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini. The funds from these prohibited arms sale were then secretly deployed to arm the US-backed agents of regime change in Nicaragua in transactions extending to collaboration between the Contras and CIA in selling illicit drugs in the USA."
See the full story here at
As always there will be more..
Barrick Gold Corporation is Impersonating Mountainstar’s Areas of Interest at Pascua, Chile
13331 Woodcrest Drive, Surrey, BC, V4P 1W4
Barrick Gold Corporation is Impersonating Mountainstar’s Areas of Interest at Pascua, Chile
July 29, 2016 - Mountainstar Gold Inc. (MSX-CSE) ("the Company") will reveal evidence in this release that Barrick has/is libeling the Company regarding its ownership of the Tesoros Concessions. See the document accompanying this news release. The Tesoros Concessions encompass the main mineralized area of the Pascua Lama Project in Chile.
Barrick has been impersonating Mr. Jorge Lopehandia’s legal control of the richest areas of Mina Pascua Chile since 2001. This is when injunction C1912-2001 was put in place.
On December 21, 2011, Barrick libeled the Company and Mr. Lopehandia by publishing that neither party had any legal connection to the Tesoros Concessions. This implied that Barrick did have the rights.
Before the Second Civil Court of Vallenar in case role 719-2011, Minera Nevada Limitada (Pascua Lama Protocol owner) and Minera Nevada SpA admitted under oath that the ownership of the Tesoros Concessions "did not exist".
The nature of injunction C1912-2001 is that since June 2001, Hector Unda Llanos is forbidden from entering the Tesoros Concessions into any act or contract.
The TSX, BCSC, Barrick, Silver Wheaton and some banks, since 2001, have been in violation of the Chilean Court ordered injunction.
Barrick failed to lift the injunction in November/December 2015. Mountainstar has informed the British Columbia Securities Commission ("the BCSC") of this material fact. The BCSC has ignored this legal event emanating from Chile. The BCSC is not working on a level playing field.
Mr. Peter J. Brady has been officially informed by Chile of the BCSC’s breach of Canadian Securities Laws, and is in contempt of Chilean law, violating injunction C-1912-2001. He is also in contempt of Canadian law, violating false prospectus laws. Mr. Brady produced his December 16, 2015 letter ordering MSX to publish false information, to the benefit of Barrick Gold Corporation.
In closing, Mountainstar is preparing a legal package of evidence that denies the BCSC’s December 16, 2015 letter. The contents of this letter libels the Company, our lawyer in Chile and Mr. Lopehandia.
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
"Brent Johnson" Brent Johnson
President & CEO
For further information, please contact Mr. Steve Holt, Director of Mountainstar Gold Inc. at
More to come including MSX Legal Clarifications w. Translations to English..
Thursday, 28 July 2016
The following is a link to "The Incredible True Story of Mr. Markarian" whom was robbed by CIBC for well over a million dollars and how he got it back despite the refusal of police or regulatory authorities to intervene and do their jobs. The following helps expose just how deep the rabbit hole goes and how corrupt our financial system is in Canada, we just hide it better then anyone.
The following is taken from our friends at
As indicated in an earlier blog – as part of an FOI request, we asked the BCSC to provide a copy of the original Fraud Fighter video they launched on November 6, 2014 as part of their renewal of their “award winning” campaign against securities fraud.
As you will see, at the time we were very concerned with the overall message sent out to the average investor – the video shows a character “Jean” doing a punch of stupid gymnastic moves in a park and ends with her going to the residence of “David” where it implies she physically attacked him.
Now, before you watch the current version, we want you to watch the version we saw for the first time on Nov 6, 2014 (and that was just obtained via a FOI request) – this was AFTER our hearing but before final oral submissions were made on November 21, 2014 in our matter.
ORIGINAL VIDEO: (Please watch now)
As said, this video was launched by BCSC Chair Brenda Leong at a conference – a copy of her speech where she calls the video “fun” and “entertaining” can be found here:
Brenda Leong Speech – November 6, 2014
On November 21, 2014, we appeared in front of the Panel at the hearing and before we began our arguments we opened with the following:
WHARRAM: Before I begin today I would like your permission to read a brief statement I’d like to make for the record. Can I do that?
THE CHAIR: I don’t know what you’re about to say, so I don’t really have any comment about that, so carry on.
WHARRAM: In the last week I’ve been approached at my residence by nothing short of what I would call a hoodlum. The hoodlum in no certain terms told me they wanted their friend’s money back that I scammed. I have made a police report of the incident with a Constable Nishin (phonetic) of the Chilliwack RCMP and have been issued a police file number. Recently I had an opportunity to watch what the British Columbia Securities Commission in another glamorous press release calls an entertaining video. In the video the main character, the mother of a victim of fraud, attacks an alleged fraudster with physical violence that I will call a vigilante act. The video is a sick, pathetic attempt to make the people of BC aware of securities fraud.
This would be equivalent of the Vancouver Police Homicide Department making an entertaining video promoting family members of murder victims to attack an alleged perpetrator. On November 6, 2014 Brenda Leong, the chair of the British Securities Commission, calls the fraud fighter video fun in a speech that she did at the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada’s 2014 national conference. I’m concerned if anything happens to my family or myself, I think this video is — and if anyone hasn’t seen it in this room I encourage you to see it, it is actually sick, made me sick to my stomach when I first seen it. I just want to bring it to the panel’s attention, public’s attention. I think it’s important that people like myself are protected out there. Thank you.”
Here is the revised version that was slapped together and re-posted back onto their YouTube channel:
What an extreme waste of money!
The overall theme at the BCSC is becoming more and more apparent on a daily basis – and it is time that people in this Province wake up to their actions! Call the BCSC and find out who was responsible for producing this horrible video campaign – you have a right to know!
604-899-6500 is their main line!
As you will see, at the time we were very concerned with the overall message sent out to the average investor – the video shows a character “Jean” doing a punch of stupid gymnastic moves in a park and ends with her going to the residence of “David” where it implies she physically attacked him.
Now, before you watch the current version, we want you to watch the version we saw for the first time on Nov 6, 2014 (and that was just obtained via a FOI request) – this was AFTER our hearing but before final oral submissions were made on November 21, 2014 in our matter.
ORIGINAL VIDEO: (Please watch now)
As said, this video was launched by BCSC Chair Brenda Leong at a conference – a copy of her speech where she calls the video “fun” and “entertaining” can be found here:
Brenda Leong Speech – November 6, 2014
On November 21, 2014, we appeared in front of the Panel at the hearing and before we began our arguments we opened with the following:
WHARRAM: Before I begin today I would like your permission to read a brief statement I’d like to make for the record. Can I do that?
THE CHAIR: I don’t know what you’re about to say, so I don’t really have any comment about that, so carry on.
WHARRAM: In the last week I’ve been approached at my residence by nothing short of what I would call a hoodlum. The hoodlum in no certain terms told me they wanted their friend’s money back that I scammed. I have made a police report of the incident with a Constable Nishin (phonetic) of the Chilliwack RCMP and have been issued a police file number. Recently I had an opportunity to watch what the British Columbia Securities Commission in another glamorous press release calls an entertaining video. In the video the main character, the mother of a victim of fraud, attacks an alleged fraudster with physical violence that I will call a vigilante act. The video is a sick, pathetic attempt to make the people of BC aware of securities fraud.
This would be equivalent of the Vancouver Police Homicide Department making an entertaining video promoting family members of murder victims to attack an alleged perpetrator. On November 6, 2014 Brenda Leong, the chair of the British Securities Commission, calls the fraud fighter video fun in a speech that she did at the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada’s 2014 national conference. I’m concerned if anything happens to my family or myself, I think this video is — and if anyone hasn’t seen it in this room I encourage you to see it, it is actually sick, made me sick to my stomach when I first seen it. I just want to bring it to the panel’s attention, public’s attention. I think it’s important that people like myself are protected out there. Thank you.”
Source: November 21, 2014 Hearing Transcript
By the time we got back to Chilliwack at about 6 PM that night the video had been scrubbed with a message saying a new version would be available shortly. A few days later, the following video was put up on the BCSC’s YouTube page where it remains today. This is a pathetic waste of money…of time…and shows what the people at the BCSC seem to stand for – encouraging people to take the law into their own hands is NEVER warranted. It is hard to believe that in an office full of lawyers not one of them said, “Hey, I think this is a little much, maybe we shouldn’t have characters taking the law into their own hands and attacking others at their home.” Here is the revised version that was slapped together and re-posted back onto their YouTube channel:
What an extreme waste of money!
The overall theme at the BCSC is becoming more and more apparent on a daily basis – and it is time that people in this Province wake up to their actions! Call the BCSC and find out who was responsible for producing this horrible video campaign – you have a right to know!
604-899-6500 is their main line!
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
. BCSC Libeled MSX Lawyer, Juan Guillermo.
BCSC Libeled MSX Lawyer, Juan Guillermo.
British Columbia Securities Commission has Libeled Mountainstar Lawyer, Juan Guillermo Torres Fuentealba
July 26, 2016 - Mountainstar Gold Inc. (MSX-CSE) ("the Company") is pleased to inform our shareholders and the public that we have always published the correct Chilean legal decisions regarding all trials and injunction on C1912-2001.
In a Securities Commission letter dated December 16, 2015, authored by Peter J. Brady, the Company has been forced to accept and to publicly release the following erroneous statements.
1. Juan Guillermo is not a lawyer involved with the trial and injunction C1912-2001.
2. The BCSC asserts that Jorge Lopehandia has nothing to do with C1912-2001. They also assert any rights he may have had were lost in the Supreme Court of Chile on October 2, 2014.
We include in this release a confirmation issued by the 14th' Civil Court of Santiago and dated February 16,2016. This decision was delivered to the BCSC, and Mountainstar has not received a retraction. The Commission's position is that MSX should accept and issue a press release in effect validating Peter J. Brady's December 16, 2015 letter.
In the Company's opinion, the BCSC and MSX will be helped if the Chilean court decisions are honored and respected by the regulators in Canada.
C1912-2001 is a valid injunction that continues to prevent Barrick's access to "the areas of greatest geological interest" of the Pascua Lama project, according to Barrick's lawyer Gonzalo Nieto Valdez.
The British Columbia Securities Commission has no legal grounds to keep Mountainstar cease traded. It is ignoring relevant Chilean Court decisions.
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
"Brent Johnson"
Brent Johnson President & CEO
British Columbia Securities Commission has Libeled Mountainstar Lawyer, Juan Guillermo Torres Fuentealba
July 26, 2016 - Mountainstar Gold Inc. (MSX-CSE) ("the Company") is pleased to inform our shareholders and the public that we have always published the correct Chilean legal decisions regarding all trials and injunction on C1912-2001.
In a Securities Commission letter dated December 16, 2015, authored by Peter J. Brady, the Company has been forced to accept and to publicly release the following erroneous statements.
1. Juan Guillermo is not a lawyer involved with the trial and injunction C1912-2001.
2. The BCSC asserts that Jorge Lopehandia has nothing to do with C1912-2001. They also assert any rights he may have had were lost in the Supreme Court of Chile on October 2, 2014.
We include in this release a confirmation issued by the 14th' Civil Court of Santiago and dated February 16,2016. This decision was delivered to the BCSC, and Mountainstar has not received a retraction. The Commission's position is that MSX should accept and issue a press release in effect validating Peter J. Brady's December 16, 2015 letter.
In the Company's opinion, the BCSC and MSX will be helped if the Chilean court decisions are honored and respected by the regulators in Canada.
C1912-2001 is a valid injunction that continues to prevent Barrick's access to "the areas of greatest geological interest" of the Pascua Lama project, according to Barrick's lawyer Gonzalo Nieto Valdez.
The British Columbia Securities Commission has no legal grounds to keep Mountainstar cease traded. It is ignoring relevant Chilean Court decisions.
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
"Brent Johnson"
Brent Johnson President & CEO
Dear Honorable Prime Minister Trudeau,
It has been announced you will be making a stop in Kelowna BC next week.
This is great news as you know there are many pressing issues here to deal with that are of great importance to restoring the vitality of our national economy. While the papers may trumpet how Canada leads the way in financial growth and management we know the truth. The reality is our entire economic system is built on a Regulatory sham and simply whitewashes the truth about the real economy. Bay streets stocks are high but the economy is hollowed out by predatory regulatory regimes and their cohorts.
Most money flows out of country our into the pockets of a few extremely wealthy individuals while it becomes harder and harder for small businesses, investors and entrepreneurs to make a decent living. Much of this is due to a CRIMINAL Financial Regulatory System as well as a past approach of governance that involved Corporate bail-outs and financial hand-outs for large foreign corporations while ignoring the people who actually need the money the most. Keep in mind these are usually the same corporations who caused the problems in the first place.
I represent many entrepreneurs and investors who have had enough of the massive systematic fraud perpetuated by our Regulators and Bankers. Make no mistake we will have justice and the restoration of the rule of law in our nation and we truly hope that you will be a big part of it.
See the latest from Chile here on how Barrick Gold and the BCSC will be exposed for the frauds they are,
BC Securities Commission is a Sham: THE LATEST FRO...
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The issues regarding the fraud that is the Pascua Lama project in Chile will not go away, nor will the rest of us who grow more numerous by the day.
The matter is vast in scope, and we know that the MountainStar v. Barrick, BCSC and the TSX is not the only multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme, we also know that its not the only company Barrick Gold has tried to destroy illegally. We are aware and organizing with multiple other companies who will be named at appropriate time who have been victims of criminal behavior by Barrick Gold and our Financial Regulators. This does NOT include all the other victims of the BCSC the OSC, ASC, IIROC, etc. There are hundreds of thousands of affected shareholders and TENS of BILLIONs of dollars in potential damages facing the financial regulatory regime very soon, it would be very wise to alleviate some of the public attention by meeting with some of us in Kelowna and dealing with some of these issues privately while you are here. These are no longer Provincial Civil matters, they regard the wellbeing of the entire nation and you have the power to deal with it and restore justice.
If you act decisively to move to restore justice now you may be able to limit the damage done to Canadas international credibility and restore our economic system to become a world leader again.
Collapsing the BCSC and the OSC and merging them into a new national regulator the CMRA and/or the CSRA is NOT the right solution, the new plans for a national regulatory regime were written by the same crooks who wrote the current laws they use to commit crimes.
This is not to say we are against a National regulatory agency, we are against a national regulatory agency that operates outside the rule of law.
The new National regulatory agency only wants more power to white wash the truth. 'Compliance' has nothing to do with right action or adherence to the rule of law it simply is a fee to paid that allows the payer to commit financial crimes with seeming impunity behind a façade of Regulatory Compliance.
Our Financial Regulators exist on a conflict of interest that is contrary to the rule of law.
See how the sham that is 'compliance' works here,
BC Securities Commission is a Sham: Conflicts of Interes...
Conflicts of Interest and the Sham that is 'Compliance': The BC Securities Commission is described as a Corporation that is self funded and self regulated.
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See the plans for a new regulatory regime and how the powers that be are not concerned with the truth they simply want the power to whitewash the reality of the markets in order to make sure everything looks good. They have no interest in actually doing the job of a regulator and ensuring the rule of law.
A background on the planned new National Securities Regime
BC Securities Commission is a Sham: Will the New Capital Markets Stability Act Simply Be Another...
The following is a back-rounder on the purposed Capital Markets Stability Act which will replace current Provincial Regulations.
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A look at some notes involved in the planning of the new legal structure of the national regulator, the notes suggest that the duty of the Regulator to ensure market integrity is no longer a necessary function, instead the powers that be plan to replace 'integrity' with 'adverse material gain'. In other words they no longer care about the truth, they simply want to make the market look good to make sure the stock prices don't collapse. This is a FAKE market! To make matters worse they want the power to jail people who upset their fake image of a financial market as being a danger to the markets for telling the truth!
BC Securities Commission is a Sham: NEW CANADIAN ...
More on the proposed new CMSA and the national regulator that will go with it.
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Such a fake economic system can only continue for so long before imploding on itself like the house of cards that it is, to rebuild the same house of cards would be foolish, a new system is needed and fast.
We will not allow the current Banksters to continue robbing this nation, I trust you will not either.
We respectfully request an quick meeting with you on your Kelowna stop to discuss how we can best manage this issue while restoring justice. If done right and dealt with immediately the impact will be far less then if our governments keep refusing to work towards justice and restitution.
You can see a few links here to some more key stories on this issue.
BC Securities Commission is a Sham: BCSC & BRENDA LEONG WILL BE GONE - WE MUST BUI...
This does not even include the massive financial advisor fraud that the BCSC and its various counterparts are complicit to, The number of cases could truly be endless considering Regulatory fraud from the investment standpoint, numerous so-called advisors are nothing more then gl...
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To my Friends, Family and Former Investors in FCC and DCF……
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If you are not familiar with my personal story regarding the corruption at the BC Securities Commission you can see a brief here,
BC Securities Commission is a Sham: HOW THE BCSC D...
March 24/16 On the ongoing saga between the BC Securities Commission and the Directors of U-GO Brands
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Thank you for your time on this matter we look forward to hearing from you soon,
Christopher Burke
250 807 7870
See my blog for breaking news on Financial Regulatory Fraud updated regularly.. including more on Barrick, Silver Wheaton and others coming up..
BC Securities Commission is a Sham
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