See the File the BC Securities Commission does not want you see.. why has this file been hidden from public record? Scrubbed from the BC Court of Appeal records here is missing file #43449 at
Monday, 6 March 2017
Dear Christy Clark Premier of British Columbia, and Brenda Leong CEO of the BC Securities Commission
Dear Christy Clark Premier of British Columbia, and Brenda Leong CEO of the BC Securities Commission;
Christy whether or not you win this election will become irrelevant in due time, did you think you can sit in your ivory tower forever while you and your cronies raid the province?
Your slogan is 'Families First' however it has become clear you are lying through your teeth, the constant mantra is jobs and prosperity however what you have omitted to understand is that the pursuit of this 'debt based' money at all costs will destroy ourselves and the environment.
The purpose of money has been lost, money is a tool. It is the original IOU, a promise of future productivity or return on goods. It is time for a return to public banking so that the people do not have to be in debt any longer.
By allowing the Province to continue to be indebted while you use the Public Coffers to enrich yourself, your friends and the highest bidders at the expense of the public you are robbing the people of BC.
In addition your policies are literally killing people and the environment. This blood will be on your head.
First a couple exerts from a Huffington Post Article on the crimes of Christy Clark.
On the Shawnigan Lake Fiasco.
4. Shawnigan Lake The Liberal government has given the go-ahead for a company to transport and dump 100,000 tons of contaminated soil per year for 50 years at a site in Shawnigan Lake located dangerously close to the community watershed. Members of the Shawnigan Residents Association are not taking this decision lightly and currently have two court cases pending to appeal the decision. There have also been protests at the dump sites to block and prevent trucks from dumping. While the Liberals have continuously claimed that the water is fine, recently released reports by the Vancouver Sun show the province has known of elevated nitrite and arsenic levels in the groundwater for more than six months.
On Site C Dam.
9. Site C This very well could go down as the worst disaster of Clark's time as premier once the dust settles and the true damages come to light, along with the inevitable conclusion that we might never have needed it in the first place. Thousands of hectares of farm land, houses and properties are currently and will continue to be destroyed or disturbed. In fact B.C. taxpayers paid millions for prime farmland that will be flooded by Site C. It's even harder to grasp the long-term effects on the wildlife and environment, which have been dangerously understated by our government.
Source -
More from Huffington Post on Crooked Queen Christies Crimes.
Christy whats happening on the streets of BC? Why do we have money for free heroin giveaways yet the Walk-In clinic in my neighborhood of 30,000 people cant stay open due to lack of funding?
Also see.
Christy we have warned you about the actions of many members of the BC Securities Commission for some time. You, Brenda Leong and DeJong and Suzzane Anton has simply been trying to shirk any responsibility for your actions and those of the public officials under your watch.
Now we learn that the BC Securities Commission holds BC Insurance Mortgage Corporation Securities?
This is the same BCIMC that drove Mr. Jack English off his property so they could steal it for their own benefit.
How can a Financial Regulator hold securities in another corporation that makes all kinds of investments? The BCIMC has holdings in BC. How can the BC Securities Commission operate without a clear conflict of interest when it holds investments in what is essentially a competitor against the many public and private businesses owned by Canadians and others in BC?
See how the BCSC holds BCIMC Securities.
See how former BCSC Head Of Criminal Enforcement Teresa Mitchell-Banks uses her power to obstruct justice and deny us transcripts that would prove the Commissions utter disregard for the Supreme Court of Canada, The Charter of Rights and the Rule of Law in General.
Brenda Leong, we couldn't find the following file anywhere on public record? Perhaps you had it scrubbed like our Court Hearings Transcripts?
Brenda here is a copy of the text of a decision made by a BC Court of Appeal Judge last spring in regards to actions undertaken by your agency. You can email me if you want the full PDF copy.
Christy and Brenda, you will face justice should you not immediately move to rectify these crimes. We the people will be taking the province back from scumbags like you and your associates.
Christopher Burke
250 807 7870
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