Breaking News in the case of former Toronto Police officer Donald Best whose story we have previously reported on, former Federal Cabinet Minister, Toronto Police Chief and Ontario Police Commissioner Julian Fantino has filed an affidavit detailing extensive judicial, police, and lawyer corruption in this case and in Canada.
See exert from our previous report below for a brief look at a little bit of Mr. Bests case against a network of corrupted lawyers, judges, police officers and public officials.
Lawyer and police misconduct in Donald Best case “reads like a John Grisham novel”
Best vs. Ranking is just another civil lawsuit in Ontario Superior Court…
Mr. Donald Best
by Donald Best
A judge once remarked on the record that my case reads like the plot from a John Grisham novel.
I can’t disagree. I wonder what Mr. Grisham himself might think. (Grisham photo above courtesy of the Toronto Star)
Like most Grisham novels the stakes in my case are high enough at US$120 million dollars to cause some lawyers, accountants, police officers and other professionals to step over the line.
Way over the line.
“My case is complex, but my April 23, 2015 sworn affidavit provides a basic summary and is, frankly, a pretty good page-turner at bedtime.”
Download Donald Best’s April 23, 2015 affidavit. (PDF 882kb without exhibits)
My case has seen some people on the other side (including certain lawyers and police officers) proveably commit various crimes including: fabricating evidence, lying to the court [1], fraudulently using a phoney non-existent ‘company’ as a lawyer’s client to petition the courts and transfer a million dollars [2], illegally hiring a corrupt OPP police sergeant ‘on the side’ to work against me in a civil lawsuit [3] and putting an innocent man in jail using proveably false, fabricated evidence. [4]
Welcome to civil litigation involving the Caribbean island nation of Barbados.
Also like a John Grisham novel, my witnesses, lawyers, myself and our family members have been the targets of a long-running campaign of violence, harassment and threats designed to deter us from seeking justice before the courts.
In the Greater Toronto Area, I was assaulted in the street. Also in the GTA, a man with a Caribbean accent approached and threatened one of my children over this case. My family’s auto was shot up. While my former lawyer was out of Canada litigating my case, his wife and family received an intimidating anonymous phone call from a person with a Barbados accent. My lawyer’s wife gathered up her children and fled their Orillia, Ontario home in terror; exactly as was intended by the caller.
One of my witnesses was abducted and beaten at gunpoint by a person connected with the other side in Barbados. One of my witnesses was threatened with job loss if he testified, and was fired from the University of the West Indies after he testified anyway.
Illegally and behind my back, an Ontario judge secretly substituted a changed court order in a backroom meeting; off the court record and without notifying me even though I was a self-represented litigant. This kind of judicial ‘Star Chamber’ activity regularly happens in Iran or Russia, but surely not in Canada; except when it does. [5]
The danger of court actions involving Barbados nationals and corporations
They do things differently in Barbados; to the point where one of their high court judges publicly complained of a culture where court witnesses are routinely intimidated and even harmed. [6] Other Canadians have experienced and documented the Barbados litigation culture of intimidation and violence against witnesses and litigants. [7]
There have also been documented incidents where private interests hired corrupt Barbados police officers to act as strongarm debt collectors or to carry out police investigations designed to assist one side of a civil legal dispute. In the past, Barbados police officers have travelled to Canada as ‘tourists’ where they lied to enter the country, illegally threatened civil litigants and foolishly arrived at a Canadian bank demanding private information without a search warrant. (Apparently that is the way things are done by the police in Barbados, but it didn’t work out too well for them in Canada.) [8
Former OPP Detective Jim Van Allen (public domain photo)
Little did I know that my opponents from Barbados would have their Canadian lawyers illegally hire a corrupt Ontario Provincial Police detective sergeant ‘on the side’ to illegally perform investigations against me to assist in their civil court case. [9] Other Canadian police personnel in Durham and Peel Regions also became improperly involved in assisting the other side in their civil lawsuit costs hearing against me in the Ontario Superior Court. [10].
For more on from Donald Best please visit
Now we see that the Toronto Star is reporting that a Former Toronto Police Chief as well as Ontario Police Commissioner and Former Federal Cabinet Minister Julian Fantino has come out in support of Mr. Donald Best in a recently filed affidavit. We will post this affidavit as soon as possible however for now we will simply provide an exert from the Star with further details.
How is this important regarding the Securities markets? This is further evidence from formerly high ranking officials that the criminal networks among lawyers, judges, police, public officials and other various parties do exist and are not mere conjecture or 'conspiracy theories'. The conspiracy is real, this nation has seen the rule of law destroyed systematically by a 'judicial mafia' that is just another arm of the Cabal that has it tentacles across the globe. We live in a world where lobbyists, lawyers, spin doctors, politicians, and public officials will tell you that black is white and up is down. The media simply parrots their deception and double speak and those who disagree are mocked and chastised as conspiracy theorists. All this while the public is robbed of their money and the future of their children as the Cabal continues to push the world towards war, destruction and insanity all in the name of profit. This however will no longer be tolerated by we the people.. See below exert from the Toronto Star,
Former Conservative cabinet minister and provincial police commissioner Julian Fantino has accused a Canadian judge, lawyers and several police forces of acting improperly and even illegally in the conviction and jailing of a man for contempt of court.
In an extensive affidavit in which he raises the allegations, Fantino describes himself as a member of the Queen’s Privy Council and an expert who, in speaking for regular Canadians, can shed light on what he essentially posits as a possible judicial conspiracy involving secret backroom dealings.
Fantino filed the affidavit in an unsuccessful effort to intervene in a recent Federal Court review of whether the Canadian Judicial Council properly dismissed a complaint by Donald Best, a former Toronto police officer and businessman, against Ontario Superior Court Justice Bryan Shaughnessy.
“A more thorough investigation by the (judicial council), now that all the facts are known, may show that the judge was wilfully blind,” Fantino asserts. “It may very well be that the record belies the mischief that was being achieved simply because the judge had total control over the process.”
In 2013, Shaughnessy found Best in civil contempt. The finding was the culmination of a convoluted battle started in 2007, when Best’s corporation unsuccessfully sued 62 defendants and he failed to pay their court-ordered legal costs.
In an extensive affidavit in which he raises the allegations, Fantino describes himself as a member of the Queen’s Privy Council and an expert who, in speaking for regular Canadians, can shed light on what he essentially posits as a possible judicial conspiracy involving secret backroom dealings.
Fantino filed the affidavit in an unsuccessful effort to intervene in a recent Federal Court review of whether the Canadian Judicial Council properly dismissed a complaint by Donald Best, a former Toronto police officer and businessman, against Ontario Superior Court Justice Bryan Shaughnessy.
“A more thorough investigation by the (judicial council), now that all the facts are known, may show that the judge was wilfully blind,” Fantino asserts. “It may very well be that the record belies the mischief that was being achieved simply because the judge had total control over the process.”
In 2013, Shaughnessy found Best in civil contempt. The finding was the culmination of a convoluted battle started in 2007, when Best’s corporation unsuccessfully sued 62 defendants and he failed to pay their court-ordered legal costs.
Article Continued Below
Shaughnessy’s rulings were upheld by Ontario’s top court and left undisturbed by the Supreme Court of Canada.
Best turned to the Canadian Judicial Council in January 2016 to complain about the judge. Shaughnessy, he asserted, had engaged in “egregious” misconduct by, among other things, “secretly” changing a critical document.
The council’s executive director rejected the complaint out of hand, prompting Best to ask Federal Court to review that decision. He named the government and judge as respondents.
Best turned to the Canadian Judicial Council in January 2016 to complain about the judge. Shaughnessy, he asserted, had engaged in “egregious” misconduct by, among other things, “secretly” changing a critical document.
The council’s executive director rejected the complaint out of hand, prompting Best to ask Federal Court to review that decision. He named the government and judge as respondents.
Fantino, who could not be immediately reached for comment, explains in his 33-page affidavit filed along with 100 exhibits why he wanted to get involved. The “abuses,” he said, could undermine public confidence in the administration of justice.
“I notice that, in this matter, no one represents the people of Canada,” Fantino states. “No one speaks for me and other Canadians who believe in and rely upon fairness, courtesy and honourable treatment within the justice system.”
In his submission, Fantino maintains that Shaughnessy convicted Best “upon the presentation by lawyers of provably false evidence.” He also argues that “disturbing” evidence suggests police resources and personnel were “improperly retained, used and co-opted” to help one side in the private civil dispute.
“The court also convicted Mr. Best based upon affidavit evidence that was the product of illegal actions by a serving officer of the Ontario Provincial Police at the time that I was OPP commissioner,” Fantino states. “Had I known about it at the time, I would have immediately ordered an investigation to gather all evidence ... with a view to possible provincial and/or criminal charges.”
See source for the full story,
“I notice that, in this matter, no one represents the people of Canada,” Fantino states. “No one speaks for me and other Canadians who believe in and rely upon fairness, courtesy and honourable treatment within the justice system.”
In his submission, Fantino maintains that Shaughnessy convicted Best “upon the presentation by lawyers of provably false evidence.” He also argues that “disturbing” evidence suggests police resources and personnel were “improperly retained, used and co-opted” to help one side in the private civil dispute.
“The court also convicted Mr. Best based upon affidavit evidence that was the product of illegal actions by a serving officer of the Ontario Provincial Police at the time that I was OPP commissioner,” Fantino states. “Had I known about it at the time, I would have immediately ordered an investigation to gather all evidence ... with a view to possible provincial and/or criminal charges.”
See source for the full story,
More to come ..
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