Restoration of the
Rule of Law in Canadian Finances – From the Bank of Canada to our
Financial Regulators
The challenges facing Canadians in
regards to the restoration of the Bank of Canada to its original
purpose as a creator of 'Sovereign' money instead of 'debt' money are
broad and complex and must include a complete revamp of the financial
regulatory systems. These subjects are vast and the issues are deep
as I have come to learn after meeting with and speaking to various
Canadians who have experienced a myriad of unlawful behaviour from a
wide range of Financial Regulators inside Canada.
The restoration of the Bank of Canada
to its original purpose should be the number one priority to any
Canadian concerned about where this nation is headed in the future.
Without control over our finances as a nation we cannot begin to
address any of the many other key issues affecting this nation, from
healthcare, education, eradicating poverty, to environmental issues
and more, retaking control of our finances is key. This article will
simply address a couple key topics that may at first glance seem
unrelated but are very much interconnected. I will try to be brief
on what are very complex issues and how they are intertwined.
State of the Canadian Economy a
House of Cards
There are many Canadians who have no
idea the type of financial house of cards our economy is, they may
point to supposed economic prosperity during the Harper era or they
may look at our tech success stories along with the rising
commodities and stock markets and conclude overall Canada's economy
is as healthy as any. This however is far from the truth as many of
us have learned, the markets are propped up and manipulated through a
variety of measures. This is not to say every stock is a scam or that
you cannot make money at all, this is to be clear however that the
central bankers control the end game and have ensured a monetary
system whereby all real tangible assets flow towards them while they
hold the ability to create the paper money that we purchase these
assets with out of thin air.
The Central Bankers flood the market
with 'debt' based currency often pooled into large institutional
funds somehow connected to one of the banks and use this money to
drive up the price of real estate, commodities and various other
costs of living.
We as a Canadian people tend to sell
these assets as a nation far to early when we should be holding and
developing them for there long term value. In return for assets which
vary from anything such as gold mines or tech firms to properties in
the Alberta oil sands we accept debt based monetary currency that is
constantly decreasing in value as more is printed. Whether it is
printed in the US or Canada does not matter, it is more debt based
money which someone somewhere must service, the corporations and
institutions that hold control over these debts are finding more and
more ways to ensure these 'debts' are serviced by the taxpaying
public and not the bankers ultimately responsible for them.
What is Money? Who Controls It? The
Restoration of the Bank Of Canada.
case of COMER vs. The Bank of Canada has done an excellent job of
pushing the case for the restoration of the Bank of Canada to its
original purpose of providing debt free capital for infrastructure
and public services. (1.)
One of the
biggest hurdles of course to restoration of the Bank Of Canada is
educating the public on money. What is money? At its core money is
nothing more then an IOU, in fact it is the original IOU.
It is a promise
to return something of value, typically either physical goods and/or
commodities or services to be rendered in the future. In today's
society we also find intellectual and digital virtual world
properties of sorts providing stores of value as well which brings a
seemingly infinite possibility of economic growth, however that is a
subject for another time. While we must be cognizant of these aspects
of the future economy our focus here is money and the regulation of
it.Essentially money is an agreement between two parties that one party will oblige the other with goods or services in the future in return for goods and/or services provided at present to that party.
Now imagine that someone wants to stand between us and charge us both for literally the use of our own IOU's any time we want to want to conduct a transaction between ourselves and another party.
Now on top of that consider the fact this third party has restricted your right to create capital through the creation of Central Banking, Central Banks have been disconnected from the general public and put under the control of private foreign bankers who operate in a bankster haven through a corporation accountable to no one and no law. The Bank of International Settlements (BIS). (2.)
So when money is needed, nations that used to print sovereign money in order to fund projects such as hospitals, infrastructure, schools and universities now borrow that money off of a foreign conglomerate of bankers who print the money out of thin air and charge interest to the nations borrowing it.
This interest of
course is paid by we the people in the form of tax and other various
hidden charges.
While I am not
religious I do believe there is major significance to the actions of
Jesus in Mathew 21.12 and Mark 11.15 when he kicked the money lenders
out of the temple. We the people are the temple of God, money lenders
do not have the right to control the lives of we the people.
Although history
and Christianity itself downplays this event I believe it was of
major significance at the time and a major reason that lead to the
plotting of his crucifixion.
Jesus was a
threat to the profit margin of the bankers of his time, the tax
collectors and money lenders who lived on the gains of usury. The
financial enslavement of others often through debt.
The case to
restore the Bank of Canada and eliminate usury is essential to
restoring the health of the nation. As many of you are no doubt aware
from 1938 to 1974 the Bank of Canada printed Sovereign money free of
debt to the private bankers, Canadians enjoyed a much higher standard
of living during this time along with a vastly reduced unemployment
rate. The restoration of the ability to print sovereign money by the
Bank of Canada for Canadians is only half the battle however. People
must be able to put that capital to work in a safe and productive
environment or the end result will be not much better then before the
Bank of Canada was restored.
Regulatory Reform – Our Current
Model and the Proposed New CSA and CMRA Are Not The Answer.
The current regulatory model of our
Provincial Financial Regulators in Canada is nothing but a extortion
racket. For now I will use mostly the BC Securities Commission as an
example as I outline what 'regulation' and 'compliance' really are
and how the Regulators use there positions of power to manipulate and
control markets. The positive effects of restoring the Bank of Canada
and making an influx of debt free money available to the public will
be severely muted if something is not done about our current
regulatory system. Both the public stock markets such as the TSX and
TSXV, the private venture capital markets, small and medium sized
enterprises as well as the full range of financial services such as
insurance, bonds, mortgages etc are affected by a very flawed
regulatory system.
When people look to invest their money
it will simply get siphoned right back out of their pockets given the
current regime.
The BC Securities Commission is
described as a Corporation that is self funded and self regulated.
The BC Securities Commission has stakeholders, some of these
stakeholders are private corporations that are owned directly by
the TMX Group Inc. The Five largest banks in Canada own
a an average of over
%25 of the TMX Group. (3.)
How can banks and the stock market be allowed to own a stake in
the regulators which regulate them?! How can a Financial
Securities Regulator own 'Securities' in a corporation which does
business inside its own jurisdiction and yet be expected to remain
impartial in its regulation of the markets when it has skin in the
game so to speak? (4.)
This is a conflict of interest
that is criminal. How can a Corporation act as a Regulator when
the principle characteristics of each are fundamentally opposite?
How can the Banks
own a stake in the Regulators that are supposed to police them?
This is a clear conflict of interest and no matter how the
Securities 'experts' and lawyers attempt to spin the facts letting
the banks own an interest in the Regulatory regime is akin to
letting inmates design their own prisons. This is why we have so
called financial planners who no longer have to sell products that
are in the best interest of the client and they can do it with
regulatory blessing. Its in the best interest of the banks who
keep the market liquid with capital to ensure securities are sold
regardless of their fit for the client, the bank takes a cut no
matter what. The reason the Regulatory regime goes after small
business and private capital is that these pools of capital
threaten banks and the banking industry. Compliance in their words
is a 'cost' to be paid, not the operation of a corporation with
integrity working in the interest of shareholders and ownership.
If fair and
unbiased regulation of the markets is continuously costing loss of
revenue the 'Regulatory Corporation', is going to find new profit
centres to ensure its survival just like any good CEO of a
Corporation should. The problem, making a profit is not the
purpose of a regulator! Ensuring the integrity of the Financial
markets is the purpose of a Financial Regulator.
Many businesses pay the
costs of 'compliance' such as those associated with preparing an
Offering Memorandum and/or a Prospectus so that they can maintain
'compliance' while they raise capital.
The problem is
that their is very little accountability demanded from these
businesses after they have paid the cost of 'compliance'. The
current Regulatory regime has no real interest in where the money
goes and whether a legit businesses is being run, it simply wants
its fees for paperwork.
Simply put we are
being extorted on a national level by the big banks and financial
regulators who attempt to use confusion, fear, and deception to
hide what is truly happening.
The trend in the
financial world of late has been for Governments to let all sorts
of Regulators police themselves in whats termed SRO's, self
regulatory organizations. The problem is that no one is held
accountable and conflicts of interest run deep as many of these
organizations also happen to be self-funded. Our regulators run as
businesses who in current form exist to keep themselves in
business rather then do their job and regulate the markets. Until
this changes we will continue to see fraudulent practices and
deception as standard procedures on behalf of all of these
regulatory regimes.
How can a self-funded
regulatory agency act in a fair and unbiased manner when its very
existence may depend its abilities to levy fines for regulatory
'infractions' that its tribunals find have been committed by the
market participants it is mandated with regulating? What would the
natural interests and tendencies of a self-funded and
self-regulated organization be? How can one think that such an
organization would not operate in its own best interest given such
a conflict of interest? If the governing bodies and individuals in
charge can look us in the eye and tell us with a straight face
that this will not present a conflict of interest and hinder the
duties of a regulatory body tasked with ensuring the integrity of
a Financial market then they are either bold-faced liars and
thieves or complete morons.
Either way they should no
longer carry places of responsibility in Financial governance as
they are unfit to carry out the duties required of office.
Regulatory capture has
allowed large corporate players to ensure competitors are weeded
out early sometimes with the help of regulators and/or corrupted
lawyers who ensure that their clients are never 'Compliant'. Then
there is also the flip side whereby regulators look the other way
and ignore mass financial crime they are aware of, often committed
by large multinational corporations with no regard for human life.
Again I must reiterate that not every large multinational
corporation, every law firm, or even every law enforcement
official is corrupted or complicit in these types of crimes
however the market is certainly not 'free'. It is controlled and
manipulated by a 'Cabal' as a Member of the Privy Council the
Honourable Paul Hellyer calls it consisting of many individuals
and corporations woven into strategic places of influence and
power so that they may steer markets, laws and government policies
where they want. In addition they have the ability to crush
competitors before the get off the ground through regulatory
The link
provided here is regarding the proposed new CSRA which
had planned to take over the roles of the BCSC and the OSC in the
fall of last year, they have delayed launch for a couple of years
now. The problem is that it will simply be the same old charade,
however even worse this new monstrosity wants Criminal Enforcement
powers so it may imprison people who do not pay the cost of
'Compliance' or refuse to toe the line. The entire regulatory
regime in Canada is a sham and a charade and now these criminals
want the power to silence those who tell the truth with
imprisonment. This link should give some insight into the future
that will be our regulatory regime if we do not act now to ensure
change, the type of change that will eliminate or vastly reduce
the conflict of interest that arises when Financial Securities
Regulators become Corporations.
I am happy that the truth regarding financial deception en mass
involving the real role of many so called financial advisors is
starting to become public, I remain concerned that this will simply
give the establishment pretext for the new CSRA and the CMSA which
remain major threats to the rule of law. The CMSA is designed to
accompany the CSRA and 'support' its ability to do its job, what it
really does is attempt to legalize the ability of the regulators to
completely whitewash the markets and hide truth. See the below
snapshot of their plans to remove integrity as a purpose of the new
So as if the
current financial regulatory setup was not bad enough the new setup
plans to have the power to hide the truth if it negatively affects
the markets! Clearly this is insane to anyone who understands or
appreciates the fundamentals of justice and the rule of law.
The current
financial regulatory model is seriously flawed due to the very
premises regulators like the BC Securities Commission are based upon.
These so called impartial and fair financial regulators are by design
nothing but fair or impartial as they exist upon multiple conflicts
of interest that perpetuate deceit, theft and fraud on a mass scale.
Keep in mind I have only scratched the surface in terms of how
severely the Canadian and even global economy is affected by the
current shell game played by large multinational corporations with
the aid of our so called financial regulators. The impact of the many
market rigging tools at the disposal of corrupted lawyers, bankers
and public officials such as the Derivatives market cannot be
underestimated. These markets are used and manipulated in order to
manipulate the price of real world goods and services while providing
no tangible assets themselves. They are simply bets at a casino that
the market or a segment of it will move up or down yet these bets
often have huge effects on markets. Who really profits as cash is
thrown at a paper asset class with no real value, only the bankers
profit in this mass Ponzi scheme. If you though your Financial
Regulators were there to help you, think again..
It time to take
back our finances on every level from the Bank of Canada to the
Financial Regulators,
restoration of
justice and the rule of law is vital to restoring Canada as a healthy
and prosperous nation for everyone not a select few who rule from an
ivory tower and live off the backs of the public.
Christopher Burke
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